Monday, December 9, 2019

Theme Park Project

“The Lit spot” is the place to turn on your creativity lights.
It is the combination of recycled aluminum coke cans that are transformed into a lit-up
lantern. Here, the guests will have a chance to participate in making their very own
lantern with the aluminum cans that are already collected and quickly cleaned up or
they can use their own coke cans. We want to bring the experience of transforming
something ordinary to something useful and beautiful as well as the power of creativity
and the importance for the environment. 

The Overall goal: Finish the process of making the lantern in roughly 5 to 7 minutes.
Guests will have fun while making the lantern, appreciate the outcome and they can use
the lantern to walk around the enchanted forest. 

The Story: With the enchanted forest theme, we want to emphasize the power of
creativity in the magical forest.  Our story is the suggestion of experience for the guest:
to be a part of something beautiful, a feeling of appreciation of how things work, a
sense of putting things together.

The Experience: 
The guests will be immersed in the idea by making the lantern themselves, which will
help them to understand the working process.

The Design:
We will need a couple of tools to create the lantern such as a can opener, an X-ACTO
knife, mini LED lights; a chisel, a mini hammer, disinfection wipes and
visual instructions as the process go along. The lit spot will hold 5 to 10 people at a time.

The Takeaway:
By creating the lit up lantern by used coke cans, will inspire others to use their own
creativity to create something beautiful out of something ordinary.
Use recycled materials to create something useful to preserve the environment
instead of putting the trash elsewhere.

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